Thursday, February 14, 2013

Loved you first, loved you always

Happy Thursday, or er Valentines Day! ;-)

Now I've always had mixed emotions about Valentines Day. I'm all about being super cheesy and romantic, but why on just one day of the shortest month of the year? Why not all the time? I also am a firm believer that today is for Hallmark economy boosting purposes. So there's that. 
But this morning I had a clear eye opening moment. As many people I have in my life that love me, and some many wonderful things I'm involved in that I love, loving yourself is most important. Loving yourself first, loving yourself always.
As the King of Kings, Jesus loved us first, and the most.
Here is a snip from my devotional, Jesus Calling, from this morning that made me smile so wide.

"Give yourself FULLY to the adventure of today. Walk bodly along the path of Life, relying on your ever present Companion
Do not give in to fear or worry, those robbers of abundant living. Trust me enough to face problems as they come, rather than trying to anticipate them."

Could not have come at a better moment for me. I've spent all week super busy trying to anticipate what could go wrong, or being late for a meeting.

I just wanted to let you readers know, that He loves you the most, and thinks you're beautiful, so we should think of ourselves as beautiful too.

Your love never fails -Jesus Culture

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