So.. last weekend went home for the first time,AND saw my boy for the first time in over a month, and since then he's been pestering me to write. So here I am :)
Excuse my absence as of late, I've become somewhat of a hermit. All I wanna do is study and work, and you're thinking thats so great I wish I was like no.. I need to socialize, its kinda bad.haha. Anywho...
Last weekend..
Left Friday evening after a workshift, picked up a friend who was riding back with home and high tailed it home. As I got about 15 minutes away and the boy and I are talking on the phone, my smile became permanent. He somehow beat me home by like 20 minutes, and knowing that he was 7 minutes from my home had me absolutely giddy. I arrived home, chatted it up with mom, discussed our renovating plans that we've been doing of late, searched for my kitty so I could snuggle for a moment, did a quick wardrobe change, and off I went! The boy and I def had one of those running towards each other with open arms movie types of reunions. Pure bliss is all I have to say. I've never in my life been so excited to see someone. Ok, so from there we went to join up with some friends for The Lion King in 3D. It was intense!! The 3D was sooooo worth it!! Plus the most precious 3 year old sat right beside me and I loved experiecing her first Lion King viewing with her. Too cute! On Saturday I slept in, for the first time in like two months. It felt so so so goooood! Then the boy, myself, his mother, and brother headed towards the mall. I mainly went to get the goody bag they were giving away with purchase, he went for dress clothes. Typical shopping trip, we spend 2 hours trying to find him pants, and I miss out on my sale. I was completely bummed. Probably more than I should have been and dampened the mood. I'm sorry sweetheart. After the mall we went back to my house to prepare for our Vols vs Gator party. There was burgers, pigs in a blanket, my mother's famous veggie bars, spaghetti salad, and cupcakes! Although the Vols lost, tear, it was great to hang out with some great friends.
After the game the boy and I did a wardobe change for our date. He had planned this entire evening, needless to say I was STOKED! Before we left a sweet friend snapped us a new fall photo. Whatdya think? Precious right.
I had purchased a new Lilly dress and was pretty excited about wearing it. For our date we had planned dinner, fro yo, and a movie. Before we started we made a stop at Target, I needed a curling iron oh and pumpkin kisses, as well as TJMaxx. Btws they have so many cute shoes out this fall! I wanted to buy lots. And don't forget the adorable Halloween decorations. We had dinner at Wok Hay, an Asian dining experience. It was delicious. Lots and lots of food but so good.
starter |
crab wonton rangoon appetizer |
seasme chicken |
I of course had fro yo on the mind so we just had to make a stop for my already full belly. And since it was incredibly late by then we opted out for the movie and spent the rest of our time cuddlin and catching up on the Kardashians, poor boy hasn't been able to watch it since he left for school.
On Sunday we attended church with our family and then had lunch all together before packing everything up and going our separate ways. Leaving was so hard. After three years I would think I'd be a pro by now, but nope. We both cried for the first 20 minutes of driving, called each other, and felt better. Now I'm counting down, two weeks, until I get to see that cute little face of his. sigh. Hope everyone is doing wonderful!
The boy and I have a fall bucket list for this year, what are some things you can't wait to scratch off your fall list??